
Hot Paper Submissions Deadline:
January 19, 2004
Notification of Acceptance:
February 16, 2004
February 19, 2004
Camera Ready Versions:
February 23, 2004
February 26, 2004
papers@pervasive2004.org |
2004 HOT SPOT PAPERS aim at presenting very topical
issues and late breaking application oriented results
in all areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing.
Hot spot papers will be published in the "Advances
in Pervasive Computing" book of the OCG (Vol
176 ISBN 3-85403-176-9) accompanying the conference
proceedings. Depending on the type and style of the
contribution presented, demo exhibition space, poster
space and a few minutes of presentation time to the
PERVASIVE 2004 plenary audience will be given to reviewed
and accepted hot spot papers. Furthermore will they
be included in the PERVASIVE 2004 DVD.
will adopt a double-blind process for regular paper and tech-note
review as well as hot spots, where the identities of the authors
are withheld from the reviewers and vice versa. Authors' names and
their affiliations must not be revealed or mentioned anywhere in
the paper or in the PDF or postscript file. Submissions in this
category will be handled electronically and must be in PDF or PostScript
file format. Submissions must not exceed 6 pages (approximately
3000 words, including text, figures and references), formatted single
column, single-spaced in books@ocg.at style available at http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot/authors.html.
Submitted hot spot papers and tech-notes must be original, unpublished
work and not currently under review for any other conference or
journal. All submissions will be reviewed.
To submit a hot spot paper please refer to the paper
submission link
http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot at the conference
Questions about the submission process should be directed
to the
Program Committee Chair at progchair@pervasive2004.org.
Hot Spot Paper Submission (firm!) January 19, 2004
Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004
Camera Ready Copy February 23, 2004
PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004
Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004
Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004