
Video Submissions Deadline:
January 19, 2004
Deadline extended: February
2, 2004
Notification of Acceptance:
February 16, 2004
Camera Ready (Paper) Copy
February 23, 2004
DVD Ready Video Clip
March 15, 2004
video@pervasive2004.org |
VIDEO PAPERS aim at presenting novel pervasive computing systems,
devices or just designs, or demonstrate innovative styles of interaction
or usability of those systems - in a lively format: as a video.
Video clips should be no longer than 8 minutes and be accompanied
by a written summary. Video papers will be handled electronically
and must be in PDF or PostScript file format. Submissions must not
exceed 4 pages (approximately 2000 words, including text, figures
and references), formatted single column, single-spaced in books@ocg.at
style available at http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot/authors.html.
Submitted video papers and tech-notes must be original, unpublished
work and not currently under review for any other conference or
journal. All video paper submissions will be reviewed.
The author(s)
of a video are expected to present a brief introduction at the conference,
while all full videos will be presented during the PERVASIVE 2004
Video Night - a special event at a historic place in Vienna. Accepted
video papers will be published in the "Advances in Pervasive
Computing" book of the OCG (Vol 176 ISBN 3-85403-176-9) accompanying
the conference proceedings, and both the video papers as well as
the clips will be presented in the PERVASIVE 2004 DVD.
To submit a
video paper please refer to the paper submission link http://www.pervasive2004.org/reg_video.php
at the conference website. Further information can be obtained
from the conference website or the Video Chair at video@pervasive2004.org.
The Video submission
process requires two steps:
- Submission of the 4 page video paper via
the online submission system
After submitting the PDF file and further details, you will receive
an email with a submission ID.
- Upload of the video file
The video file should be in MPEG2 format, suitable for usage on
DVDs. After naming it <submission ID>.mpg, e.g. 123.mpg,
please upload it via anonymous FTP (user "anonymous",
no password) to www.soft.uni-linz.ac.at into the directory /pervasive2004/video-papers.
This is an upload-only directory, you will be unable to read or
overwrite files. If you need to replace your file with a newer
version, please contact ftpadmin@soft.uni-linz.ac.at.
Video Paper Submission extended
to February 2, 2004
Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004
Camera Ready (Paper) Copy February 23, 2004
DVD Ready Video Clip March 15, 2004
PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004
Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004
Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004