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 D01 A Real Space Application by Visual Marker using Computer Displays
   Yasue Kishino, Masahiko Tsukamoto (Osaka University), Yutaka Sakane (Shizuoka University), Shojiro Nishio (Osaka University)  
  To construct augmented reality applications with a camera, it is necessary to determine the concise location and the direction of the camera, i.e., a user $B!G (Bs view, in which virtual objects are composed. Recently, there have been extensive researches based on video analysis to achieve this. In these approaches, paper-printed markers or LED markers are typically placed in the real world, and users capture the image of these markers to obtain their information. However, recent trends in ubiquitous computing have required more dynamic and interactive markers. In this research, we propose a new location marking method, called VCC (Visual Computer Communication), which uses computer displays to show markers and send information. In our method, a marker in a matrix shape keeps blinking to provide both coordinate information and attached information such as an address or a URL. We will demonstrate how a laptop PC with a CCD camera detect the VCC marker, recognize the information, and overlay recognized information or open a Web page pointed by the recognized URL. Since we assume in the future environment there should be many ubiquitous displays anywhere in the real world, our system can be used by users walking around with their mobile computers equipped with cameras to obtain various information and services.
 D02 The Uber-Badge
   Joe Paradiso (MIT Media Lab, USA)  
  We present the design of a new badge platform for facilitating interaction in large groups of people. We have built this device to be very flexible in order to host a wide variety of interactions in the areas where wearable and social computing converge, from game environments to meetings and conventions. This badge has both RF and IR communication, a 5x9 LED display capable of presenting graphics and scrolling text that users in the vicinity can read, an onboard microphone for 12-bit audio sampling, a 12-bit audio output, a pager motor vibrator for vibratory feedback, 3 onboard processors, capacity for up to 256 MB of flash memory, provisions for connecting LCD displays, and connectors that mate into the Responsive Environments Group's Stack Sensor platform, allowing a variety of different sensors to be integrated. We describe several applications now being developed for this badge at the MIT Media Laboratory, and touch on how it was used in a multiplayer, augmented reality urban adventure hunt game in Manhattan in the summer of 2003.
 D03: ensemble: clothes, sensors and sound
   Kristina Andersen, STEIM, The Netherlands  
  "ensemble" is a suitcase full of music making clothes designed for children. Each piece of clothing uses sensors to modify a sound or voice. The position of a hat, the swoosh of a dress, the darkness of a ladies bag... The project is developed as an exploration of using embedded wireless sensors as tangible sonic objects and making them available to pre-school children. By observing how they spontaneously explore and interpret them, we aim at capturing their emerging understanding of the causalities of electronic sensing. Seven garments are fitted with wireless sensors that control sound samples and their modifiers in real time. Each garment acts as carriers both for the sensors and the wireless system. The sensors are separated by type and placed in the garments in such a way that the function of the sensor is conceptually supported by the form-factors of the garment. The dress holds an accelerometer, the hat tilt switches etc. The garments are using hacked and modified game-pads as wireless signal carriers. A number of ensemble garments will be demoed along with two pieces of STEIM software: junXion and LiSa.
 D04: Microservices: A Lightweight Web Service Infrastructure for Mobile Devices
   Nicholas Nicoloudis, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University Australia  
  Our Microservices framework was developed to enable communication amongst various web enabled mobile devices. The Microservices framework facilitates peer-to-peer communication based upon the architecture independent web services standard. Interoperability is essential to enable communication between mobile and assorted web enabled devices. Our framework referred to as Microservices consists of two key areas; the first includes a lightweight version of the web service architecture. The second includes the development of a compact and lightweight component-based web server capable of supporting Microservices and a range of other internet standards. In developing the web server we have taken into consideration that the functionality supported and resource requirements should not be as lightweight and minimalist as existing embedded web servers. The reason being is that mobile devices are at the centre of the scale when it comes to hardware resource availability. Several limitations are imposed in implementing the web service framework for the mobile device. These limitations are due to the constraints of available resources in comparison to desktop systems. However, the framework remains compatible with the original architecture, since it merely imposes certain restrictions as opposed to a complete overhaul of the underlying architecture.
  D05: Event-Triggered SMS-Based Notification Services
    Alois Ferscha (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)  
  Short message services, initially designed for text communication between two mobile phones, are nowadays used in many other applications, including ordering of services and goods, mobile payment, or delivery of news. We have designed, implemented, and successfully deployed in real life an SMS based notification system supporting push and pull services for real time querying in sport events using RFID for time keeping. Participants in the sport event, e.g. runners or bikers, are equipped with RFID chips which omit a unique ID to be captured by an RFID reader. Typically such readers are positioned at the start and end of the race, as well as on predefined control points for time keeping. Most sport events offer internet based tools to query race results. However, spectators of the event would also be interested in querying and receiving intermediate and final results in real time while watching the event, where typically internet access cannot easily be provided. This was our motivation for offering mobile SMS based push and pull services. In the push service, users register themselves for the race number of their choice giving the mobile phone number where the results should be delivered. If the race participant crosses the reader, the RFID signal is captured and triggers not only the time keeping functions but also queries a database for any registered delivery requests. If requests are found, the time keeping data are transferred into SMS format and delivered to the registered number(s) via an SMS gateway provided by our partner ONE. Compared to “traditional” internet based queries, users benefit from the advantage of (nearly) world wide coverage and from instant delivery of results triggered by the event of interest itself. In the pull service, the user would send an SMS with the contestants´ race number and would immediately receive the most current results (e.g. half distance timings or at least the name of the participant) available. The Vienna City Marathon was the first sports event offering this notification service. More than 10.000 messages have been delivered via the push and the pull service to world wide destinations at the day of the race.
 D06: Visual Code Recognition for Camera-Equipped Mobile Phones
   Michael Rohs and Beat Gfeller, Institute for Pervasive Computing, Department of Computer Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland  
  This demo illustrates how interaction with mobile phones can be enhanced by using 2-dimensional visual codes. We present a visual code system for camera-equipped mobile phones and a show number of example applications.
Even though the computing power of current mobile phones is limited and the image quality of the cameras is comparatively poor, such devices can act as mobile sensors for 2-dimensional visual codes. The codes we have developed can be displayed on electronic screens, projected with a beamer, printed on paper documents, or attached to physical objects. They act as a key to access object-related information and functionality.
The ability to detect objects in the user's vicinity offers a natural way of interaction and strengthens the role of mobile phones in a large number of application scenarios. Mobile phones are in constant reach of their users, are thus available in everyday situations, and provide continuous wireless connectivity. They are therefore suitable to act as the user's "bridge" between physical entities in the real world and associated entities in the virtual world.
The visual code system is designed for low-quality images and uses a lightweight recognition algorithm. It allows the simultaneous detection of multiple codes, introduces a position-independent code coordinate system, and provides the phone's orientation as a parameter.
 D07: Improving the Reality Perception of Visually Impaired
   Vlad Coroama, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zürich, Felix Röthenbacher, Christoph Plüss, ETH Zürich  
  The visually impaired experience serious difficulties in leading an independent life. Particularly in unknown environments (foreign cities, large airport terminals) they rely on external assistance. But even ordinary tasks such as the daily shopping in the supermarket are hard to be performed independently. It is virtually impossible to distinguish between the thousands supermarket-products with other senses than the sight. The common cause for these problems is the lack of information the visually impaired have about their immediate surroundings.
In this demo, we show the prototype of the Chatty Environment, a ubiquitous computing system designed to help the visually impaired to better understand their neighborhoods. The tagged objects in the chatty environment reveal their existence to the user through an audio interface, when he comes in their vicinity. The user can then interact with these entities, getting more information about their attributes or even perform small actions on them.
By supporting two complementary tagging methods, the system tries to map the way sighted people perceive the world. Large and important objects can be detected from a distance, as they advertise themselves to the user. For small supermarket-like items a different paradigm is used: the user has to explicitly pick up an object to begin interaction.
Pervasive 2004      April 18-23      Linz / Vienna, Austria      Back to Top