
Universität Linz
Paper Submissions Deadline:
November 7, 2003
Notification of Acceptance:
December 20, 2003
Camera Ready Versions:
February 9, 2004
papers@pervasive2004.org |
Regular papers
should present original, highly innovative, prospective and forward-looking
research in one or more of the following categories:
- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Architectures
- Sensors and Actuators / Computational Perception
- "Smart" Appliances / Ambient Intelligence
- New Technologies / New Materials / Small Artefacts
- Displays / Vision / Mixed Reality Systems
- Spontaneous / Wireless / Mobile Communication
- Networked Embedded Systems
- Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing
- Coordination Models and Systems
- Middleware and Software Frameworks
- Interaction Models / Interaction Design
- User Interfaces (e.g. Situative/Tangible/Attentive)
- Emerging Industrial / Business Scenarios
- Social / Privacy / Security Issues
in this category will be handled electronically and must be in PDF
or PostScript file format. Regular papers must not exceed 18 pages
(or approx. 10000 words, including text, figures and references),
formatted single column, single-spaced in Springer LNCS style available
at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.php.
Accepted regular
papers and tech-notes will be published in the conference proceedings.
PERVASIVE 2004 will adopta double-blind process for regular paper
and tech-note review, where the identities of the authors are withheld
from the reviewers and vice versa. Authors' names and their affiliations
must not be revealed or mentioned anywhere in the paper or in the
PDF or postscript file. Submitted papers and tech-notes must be
original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any
other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines
will not be considered for the review process.
To submit a
paper or tech-note, please refer to the paper submission link (available
from October 1st, 2003) at the conference website. Questions about
the papers and tech-notes submission process should be directed
to the Program Committee Chair at progchair@pervasive2004.org.
there for Tech-Notes